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Case Study: Free Room-in-Roof Insulation, Bradford

Transforming Comfort with Free Room-in-Roof Insulation in Bradford

Bradford Council, in partnership with Better Homes Yorkshire and Eclipse Energy, offered free room-in-roof insulation funding to Bradford residents. The initiative aimed to improve energy efficiency and comfort in homes with a room-in-roof space, benefiting both homeowners and the environment.

Zena Wild, a resident in Bradford, met the eligibility criteria for the free funding. She owned a property in Bradford with a room-in-roof, and was eager to take advantage of this energy-saving opportunity.

Upon contacting Eclipse Energy, Zena Wild says she was met with exceptional service from start to finish. Eclipse Energy’s team of skilled workmen embarked on the insulation project promptly. Zena had nothing but praise for them, saying:

“All the workmen were absolutely brilliant – faultless. I even supplied them with tea and biscuits, and they were extremely polite, keeping everything tidy as they worked. Their friendly demeanor made the whole experience enjoyable.”

The Benefits of Room-in-Roof Insulation

The impact of the room-in-roof insulation was immediate and significant. Zena shared her experience, stating:

We can already feel the remarkable difference the insulation has made. Our top floor used to feel like Siberia, but now our house retains heat exceptionally well“.

This improvement not only enhanced the comfort of her living space but also promised substantial savings on heating costs.

Zena also highlighted the excellent communication from Eclipse Energy’s office team throughout the project. Effective communication played a pivotal role in ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience for Zena and other residents in Bradford.

Why Room-in-Roof Insulation?

Room-in-roof insulation is a valuable method for lowering energy bills and increasing the overall comfort of living spaces. It involves insulating the entire roof space, including walls and ceilings, to prevent heat loss.

An uninsulated home loses about 25% of its heat through the roof. By insulating the roof, homeowners can make a substantial difference in their energy bills while contributing to a greener environment.

In conclusion, Zena Wild’s experience with Eclipse Energy’s room-in-roof insulation project was a resounding success. Her testimonial reflects the effectiveness of the initiative in improving home comfort, reducing energy costs, and providing top-notch service throughout the process.

Bradford residents seeking a warmer and more energy-efficient home should consider this valuable opportunity.

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