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Energy Saving Tips: The WORST Appliances to Leave on Standby

Every Tuesday, we share new #EnergySavingTips to help you save money and stop stressing about energy bills.

In this week’s series of Energy Saving Tips, we are sharing helpful advice on the worst appliances to leave on standby and how much you could save per year by switching them off.

As an energy efficiency company in the UK, we are always looking for ways to help people save energy and reduce their carbon footprint. One of the easiest ways to do this is by turning off appliances when they’re not in use. 

Many people don’t realise that leaving appliances on standby can still consume energy, sometimes even up to 75% of the energy they would use when fully switched on. Did you know that the average household pays an average £146 a year on wasted energy, just by leaving devices on standby?

Let’s take a look at some of the worst appliances to leave on standby in the UK and how much you could save by switching them off.

The Worst Appliances to Leave on Standby UK

1. Televisions

Televisions are one of the worst appliances to leave on standby. They can consume up to 20 watts of energy when on standby mode, which can add up over time. If you switch off your TV completely when you’re not using it, you could save around £30 per year on your energy bill.

2. Game consoles

Game consoles are another big culprit when it comes to standby energy consumption. In fact, some game consoles can use up to 45 watts of energy when left on standby. If you’re not using your game console, make sure to switch it off completely or unplug it from the wall. By doing this, you could save around £30 per year on your energy bill.

3. Set-top boxes

Set-top boxes, such as Sky boxes or Virgin Media boxes, can also use a significant amount of energy when left on standby. In fact, some set-top boxes can use up to 30 watts of energy when in standby mode. To reduce your energy consumption, make sure to switch off your set-top box when you’re not using it. By doing this, you could save around £20 per year on your energy bill.

4. Chargers

Chargers for phones, laptops, and other devices are often left plugged in even when the device is fully charged. This can lead to unnecessary energy consumption, as the charger will continue to draw energy even when not in use. To avoid this, unplug your chargers when you’re not using them. By doing this, you could save around £10 per year on your energy bill.

5. Stereos

Stereo systems can also consume a lot of energy when left on standby. In fact, some stereo systems can use up to 40 watts of energy when in standby mode. To reduce your energy consumption, make sure to switch off your stereo system completely when you’re not using it. By doing this, you could save around £15 per year on your energy bill.

By turning off these appliances completely instead of leaving them on standby, you can save a significant amount of energy and reduce your carbon footprint. 

So, next time you’re not using one of these appliances, make sure to switch it off completely or unplug it from the wall to help save energy and reduce your impact on the environment. 

Check back next Tuesday for more Energy Saving Tips. 

*Figures taken from The Energy Savings Trust

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