Battery Storage

Home battery storage, in combination with solar panels, is one of the most popular forms of generating and storing your own electricity in the UK. Using these two measures together in conjunction allows you to use energy you generate during the day whenever you need it.

If you are regularly at home during the day (for example, working remotely) and use the majority of the electricity you generate during these hours, a battery may not be the best choice for you. However, if you wish to use the electricity you generate at night (for lighting, electric heating, or charging your electric car), a battery is the perfect way of maximising your solar panels, reducing your emissions and saving you money.


  • Reduce your carbon footprint
  • Reduce your electricity bills
  • Store energy generated during the day
  • Increase the value of your property

How Does It Work?

The simplest way to think of a home battery is like a large phone battery. Indeed, as many home batteries are lithium ion, they are exactly the same as the batteries in your phone, just bigger.

Solar panels are capable of generating significant amounts of electricity for your home. Did you know that enough energy reaches our planet from the sun every hour than all the planet uses in a year!

Despite this, solar panels have no method of storing the electricity they generate. If you aren’t at using the power your panels generate as they create it, it will be gone by the time you get home.

A battery works by storing all of that energy, charged up by the panels on your home. Once it is charged, you can use that power any time you want, however you want.

Why Install a Home Battery?

Installing a home battery is the perfect compliment to an existing solar system. By upgrading your existing solar panels with a battery, or purchasing both at the same time, you have total control of the energy you generate.

Home batteries are a way of speeding up the return on investment of your solar panel purchase. If you find yourself using more electricity in the mornings or evenings (for lighting, electrical heating, electrical appliances such as washing machines etc), you can run these at effectively no cost by using a home battery.

Is Battery Storage Right for Me?

If you already have solar panels installed in your home, or are looking at having them installed, then a home battery is the perfect compliment to them, helping you increase your return on investment.

At Eclipse Energy, we believe in taking a ‘whole house’ approach to our customers and will advise you on every step of the process, should you wish to install a battery in your home. Our approach looks at everything from the insulation levels if your property, to your current energy usage, and what the most suitable solution is for you. Talk to use today about how pairing a battery with solar panels can reduce your emissions and energy bills.

Contact Us Today

Interested in installing a battery in your home? Fill out the contact box below to arrange a free, no-obligation consultation from our team.