Solar Panel Installers


Eclipse Energy’s Renewables Division Celebrates Its 1st Year Anniversary

Eclipse Energy Renewables Division is proud to celebrate its first year anniversary with some impressive statistics and achievements. Over the past year, they have saved 2,254 tonnes of carbon through domestic solar PV installations alone. 

This is the equivalent to:

  • planting a whopping 21,414 trees
  • driving 2.077 million miles in a car
  • or taking 2,322 long haul flights.
Eclipse Energy Renewables

Dan Cawdron, Director of the Renewables Division, expressed his pride in the team’s accomplishments. He said, “It’s incredible to see how much we’ve achieved in just one year. We’ve worked tirelessly to make a positive impact on the environment and provide cost-effective solutions for our clients.”

£3.5 million saved on customers energy bills

Moreover, Wayne Kenward, who is also a Director of the Renewables Division, emphasised that the company has saved their customers £3.5 million over the lifetime of their installed solar systems, based on the next 20 years. This is not only a great testament to the environmental benefits of renewable energy but also demonstrates the financial savings that customers can enjoy.

The Renewables Division was created with the goal of bringing renewable energy solutions to homes and businesses across the UK. Over the past year, Eclipse Energy Renewables has achieved remarkable success in helping customers to reduce their carbon footprint. But most importantly, through a cost of living crisis, saved them 50-70% on their energy bills.

In addition to the positive impact on the environment, the Renewables Division has also been recognised for their achievements. They were recently nominated for several awards at the Yorkshire Energy Efficiency Awards 2023. This included Regional Solar PV Installer and Contractor of the Year.

The hard work and dedication of the team have attributed to the success of the Renewables Division. They have worked tirelessly to provide customers with high-quality renewable energy solutions, including solar panels, battery storage and air source heat pumps. The team is passionate about making a positive impact on the environment and helping customers to reduce their energy bills.

Bright future for Eclipse Energy Renewables

As Eclipse Energy’s Renewables Division looks to the future, they have exciting plans in store. Firstly, the team will expand their range of renewable energy solutions, offering customers even more ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Additionally, the team is dedicated to providing top-notch customer service, ensuring a seamless experience for customers from start to finish.

Overall, the Renewables Division has had a successful first year, receiving recognition for their efforts. With a strong commitment to renewable energy and customer satisfaction, the future is bright for Eclipse Energy.

For those interested in solar panel installation in Halifax or the surrounding North England areas, Eclipse Energy offers a free home survey and no-obligation quote. Spring is the busiest season, so schedule an appointment now to have your solar installed in time for summer.

Call us at 01422 414850 or fill out a contact form on our website.

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