Solar Panel Installers


Do Solar Panels Increase Home Value?

Do Solar Panels Increase Home Value?

The adoption of solar panels in the UK has brought about a multitude of positive impacts, ranging from environmental benefits to reducing energy bills. But do solar panels increase home value?

A recent report from the WWF and Scottish Power has found that making home improvements to lower the carbon footprint of your home, including the installation of solar panels could increase your home value by up to £10,000. You can read the full report here.

In addition to the savings made from reduced energy costs, solar panels can offer significant financial benefits to your home.

What are the benefits of having solar panels installed?

Below are 5 of the main benefits of having solar panels installed on your home:

Lower Energy Bills

Solar panels enable homeowners to offset a portion of their electricity consumption with self-generated energy. This leads to lower energy bills, saving households money and providing more control over their energy costs.

Enhanced Property Value

Solar panels can increase the value of a property. While the exact value appreciation may vary based on factors like location and system size, the presence of solar panels is generally seen as a positive feature that attracts environmentally-conscious buyers and those looking to benefit from the lower energy bills.

Reduction of Carbon Emissions

One of the most significant positive impacts of solar panels is their contribution to reducing carbon emissions. By harnessing the power of the sun to generate electricity, solar panels produce clean energy without emitting greenhouse gasses, such as carbon dioxide. This helps the UK move towards its climate change targets, promoting a greener and more sustainable environment.

Renewable Energy Generation

Solar energy is a renewable resource, which means it is virtually limitless. Unlike fossil fuels that are finite and depleting, solar power provides a reliable and sustainable source of electricity generation.

Energy Independence and Security

With solar panels installed, homeowners can generate their own electricity, reducing their reliance on energy supplied by the national grid. This enhances energy independence and security, especially during times of potential grid disruptions or energy supply challenges.

What’s the verdict?

So, do solar panels increase home value? Yes, but the exact amount depends on factors like location and system size. In addition to the energy bill savings and environmental impacts, solar panels can be a great investment for your home.

Here at Eclipse Energy we are proud to be a part of helping households embrace this green energy whilst reducing their own energy bills and increasing the appeal and value of their own home.

Find out more here about how Solar Panels might be the right choice for your home.

You can also read our Ultimate Guide to Solar Panels. The guide helps to answer common FAQs about Solar Panels.

You may also be eligible for funding towards your new solar panels through the government ECO4 scheme. Click here to find out more.

If you would like a no obligation quote please give us a call on 01422 414850 and one of our friendly team can offer a free a survey of your home to check for solar suitability. Start your solar journey with Eclipse Energy today, and let’s reduce your energy bills.

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